Paths to Publishing Panel Discussion

The Oakville Public Library is hosting a Paths to Publishing panel discussion on Thursday, November 13th from 6:30 - 8:30. Panelists include:

Stella Partheniou Grasso is a Publishing Coordinator with Scholastic Canada and a published author of juvenile fiction, There Was An Old Lady who Swallowed a Puck  and Over at the Rink.

Joyce Wayne, Sheridan College  faculty member in journalism, published author of The Cook’s Temptation, and formerly trade editor and staff writer for Quill & Quire.

David Bartolini, author of juvenile fiction, Insecta.

Rosanna Leo, Oakville Public Library staff member and author of several romance eBooks, including For the Love of a God.

Mark Lefebvre, Director, Kobo Writing Life & Author Relations, and published author, includingTomes of Terror: Haunted Bookstores and Libraries.

Please visit the Oakville Public Library site for tickets.
